31 July 2011

Dried Beef Tapa Recipe

A whole week has passed and I still owe you that Beef Tapa recipe . So here it is , I hope your family will enjoy it as much as mine does .
You will need the following :
- 2 kilos Beef ( preferably sukiyaki cut since it is already thin , no pounding necessary . I usually get it from our local meat shop already packed by 500 gms . more or less ) .
- 1/2 cup soy sauce .
- 2 heads of garlic ( pounded )
- 1 Tbsp. peppercorns
Crispy tapa served with atchara .
If you can find sukiyaki or tapa cut beef then you can proceed to marinating it. If not , try to get the thinnest beef possible and pound it until it becomes around 2 cm. thin  ( if you can manage to make it thinner than that , better ). Mix the beef with the soysauce , garlic and peppercorns and marinate it overnight . Arrange the beef in a cookie sheet or tray, place it in an elevated area outdoors unreachable by pets or other animals  and let it dry under the sun . Make sure to turn the beef and let the other side dry as well . it usually takes one whole day to completely dry the beef. When the beef is ready, fry it until crispy .

29 July 2011

Good Morning Sunshine

My garden doesn't fail to surprise me , I've never seen a butterfly like this before ! So chic with it's black and white polka dot pattern . :)

My blooming Vandas .

Like moi , the Bougainvillea's are sun lovers as well .

Don't let the size of these native Filipino chillies decieve you . They pack a mean punch . They are actually considered as one of the hottest variety of chillies in the world .

I love purple or violet colored flowers . They look so bright and happy against a predominantly green background .

So pretty and delicate .

Glad to see this Oregano bush which I planted last year,  thriving . I get a lot of my herbs for cooking from my garden .
 I opened my eyes this morning and was greeted by the gleam of sunshine streaming through my bedroom windows. AHHHH! I love mornings like these ! These mornings are meant to be spent outdoors . Not wanting to waste the sunshine , I hurriedly dressed and headed for my garden . Armed with my pink pruning shears , I tended my garden lovingly . A little cut here , a little snip there with a bit of weeding in between . I was delighted by the sight that greeted me . My orchid's are blooming , the Bougainvillea's look bright and happy and my herbs are thriving . I actually have a gardener who comes in twice a month to tend  my garden . For years , I have been a budding gardener ( or so , I try to convince myself ) but as my business got busier my beloved garden suffered from lack of attention . However , on this day nothing and no one can keep me away from my tiny patch of Earth . There's nothing like the feel of the bright morning sun  caressing my face and the glorious sight of nature to lift my spirits up ! Good morning everyone !

28 July 2011

Life in Paradise

Have I ever mentioned before how wonderful it is to live in Davao City ? Our city is the biggest in the Philippines but it's interesting how you can be at the beach or the mountains in 30 mins.... or less . For beach lover's like us that means that we can be out of our beds and into the water ( sea water that is ) in a heartbeat ! We try to go to the beach atleast twice a month , more during the summer . Our favorite beach shack is Paradise Beach Resort in Samal Island . It has sandy white beaches , sparkling cornflower blue waters , abundant marine life , superb food , attentive and polite staff .... what more can one ask for ? We head down to the beach wearing our cover-ups over our swimsuits toting only a favorite book , wallet ,mobile phone and sunblock . Everything else that we can possibly need , we can find at the resort . We hop on the pumpboat and enjoy the ride which lasts for barely 10 mins . As soon as we get there , the kids hit the water and I settle down for a day of fun and relaxation . Life doesn't get better than this .

27 July 2011

Saizen obsession

To my delight , a new mall opened in Davao city . Abreeza mall opened last May 12, 2011 . Finally , I don't have to go to Manila to satisfy my hunger for a new book from Fully Booked . Brands like Promod , Aldo , Nautica , Nine West , etc. are just a hop and a skip away . However , among all these delightful shops , I have to say that my favorite is Saizen . I just looove how everything is P 85.00 (around $ 2.00 )and I always find cute and useful things there . From office supplies to personal grooming tools to kitchen utensils . They have it all ! I make sure to drop in every week just to check out their new inventories . I swear , I'm obsessed ! This week was no exception . Here are some of the things that I bought . Shopping is bliss ! :) .
Pink polka dotted multipurpose jars . Perfect for storing odds and ends .
Sauce or relish containers . I love these colors !
Isn't this milk tooth box cute ? My daughter definitely needs this  !

26 July 2011

My Battle with Dengue

A few years back , my husband got bitten by the dreaded Aegys Aegypti mosquito which transmits the Dengue virus .He was hospitalized for 2 weeks and it was agonizing to watch his platelet count fall continously. There was nothing the doctors could do except monitor his condition , hydrate him and then later gave him RBC and platelet transfusions . I was praying day and night that his platelet  count would go up . It was not easy for me to absorb the reality that my husband would fall prey to this virus as my husband is a big guy and he just seems to be invincible . However , fall prey he did ! It was like David fighting Goliath only I was praying that in this case , David would lose . To my relief , after 4 days of transfusions , his platelet slowly went up and he eventually got better . Sigh of relief here . After this terrifying experience , I became vigilant on protecting my family from the virus . I uprooted all the plants in my garden that had the potential to store water on their leaves and trunks . My Bromeliads which I had been collecting for years where transferred to the farm . I also made sure that all the water containers were covered and that my kids would use mosquito repellant ( deet free ofcourse ! ) whenever they play outdoors . We also installed several electronic mosquito zappers around the house . It's been three years and so far my family has been free of Dengue   . Nevertheless , since the wet season is upon us , I know that now more than ever I couldn't let my guard down .
I just discovered the Parakito mosquito repellant . This is better than the spray ones since I just strap it on my kid's ankles and that's it . No need to re-apply and no sticky feeling . The pellets lasts for 30 days which makes it more economical.
These are the mosquito repellants that I normally use . They are all Deet free , all natural plus I like the smell.

24 July 2011

My favorite Filipino breakfast

Beef tapa , skinless longganisa and fried egg . I wish I could eat this everyday!

Our favorite kakanin :  Bibingka , Puto , Suman and Sapin-sapin.
From Monday to Friday , I eat like a bird . However , I make sure I treat myself to a little bit of indulgence on weekends . My  2 days of indulgence usually starts with a hearty Filipino breakfast . My family loves homemade dried beef tapa ( I will show you how make it next time ) . I have to make a big batch every time, since my husband alone can finish one whole serving. Our weekend breakfast is never complete without fried egg , hot Tsokolate and our kakanin of choice . My Favorite is the suman while my son favors the sapin- sapin and my daughter loves bibingka . We usually have our breakfast outdoors when the weather is fine  . It is a time for us to enjoy each other's company without rushing  off to go to school or work . My daughter would be telling us endless stories and my son would be cracking jokes . The breeze is usually cool  and the sound of the birds chirping is music to my ears .This is a day I definitely look forward to every week .

3D Cake Workshop

My pig , aint she cute?

My other creation , pink fairy .

The retro bug , made by my classmate.

I love this bee !

Perfect for a little girl !

My classmates and I with Chef Boo and our creations .
Last week  , I attended a 3D cake decorating workshop by Chef Boo Boo Maramba . I have been waiting for a cake decorating workshop by Chef Boo for like 40 years  (joke ) ! The last class that I took with her was the Wilton cake decorating courses 3 years ago . So , when she informed me that she was having a workshop , I didn't even think about it , I signed on right away . The fact that it was going to be on 3D cakes was a bonus ! I was excited to be in a class by the " Yoda " of cake decorating here in Davao City . I knew that she is a very generous teacher and I value the knowledge and techniques  that she has acquired in her 25 years as a cake decorator . Just as I predicted , she shared with us tips on decorating as well as valuable insights on running the business . She told us that in every cake that we do , we should always aim for perfection  . I  keep this in mind every time I decorate a cake . I always try to put myself in the shoes of the customer and ask myself ," If I am the customer would I be happy with what I just made ? " .Since I'm a tough customer myself , the answer on more that one occassion has been "No ". Which prompted me to fix whatever it was that's bothering me until I'm satisfied . However , all the hard work is worth it when I see the smile on my customer's faces  . I especially enjoy the children's reactions and I take it as a huge complement when they voice out their approval .  Here are photo's of my 3D cakes as well as   my classmates .

22 July 2011

Meet Agatha Raisin

I love books . Any genre as long as it's well written and has a good plot . I usually read before I sleep since it's the only " me " time that I have . The day's work is done , the kids are in bed , peace and quiet at last ! My current bedtime reading is an Agatha Raisin detective novel by M.C Beaton . If you like the novels of Agatha Christie then you'll love the Agatha Raisin series as well . The story is set in the fictional village of Carsely in the Cotswolds . The heroine , Miss Raisin solves a murder case in every book while trying to win the heart of her bachelor neighbor . Miss Raisin is an endearing middle aged character who is equipped with a sharp tongue . Her neighbors has gotten used to her abrasive nature and a few have guessed that beneath the tough exterior is a kind and lonely soul. I usually get caught up in the twists and turns as the tale unfolds .I find that it gives my brain a workout trying to figure out "whodunit" . I just finished the 5th book , as there are 21 books in the series , I still have a long way to go ! Murderous Marriage done ....The Terrible Tourist next ! Happy reading everyone !

21 July 2011

Gaga over Kimmi dolls

My daughter has been fascinated with Kimmi dolls lately . She is at  the age where she has outgrown Barbie ( finally ! ) and is searching for a replacement . She knows that Moxey girls , Bratz and the like are not acceptable in our house so she has been in search for a suitable replacement for quite sometime. Good thing she was introduced to Kimmidolls by her cousins ! According to the Kimmidolls web site , these  are contemporary versions of the traditional Japanese Kokeshi  dolls . Each doll represents life values such as frienship , honesty , loyalty , respect ,etc. True , they don't come with pretty accessories but my daughter doesn't seem to mind . She even sleeps with a different one every night ! Besides , who would bother to look for accessories when these dolls are exquisite just as they are !  As a mom , I couldn't be happier with this new development . Everytime she gets a new doll , I eagerly read the booklet which explains  the "true life values " that the doll embodies . I am keeping my fingers crossed that the "fascination " would continue and  that these dolls would  have a  positive influence on  my daughter as she grows into a young lady . Good Bye Barbie .... Hello Kimmi !

19 July 2011

Tribute to the Duchess of Cambridge

My favorite duchess with my favorite actress, Reese Witherspoon .
I guess it's quite obvious that I'm a fan of the Duchess of Cambridge . I find her to be a refreshing change from the Britney , Cristina and Miley's of the world . For me , she embodies qualities that young women around the world should aspire for. She's well educated , kind , graceful , elegant , down to earth  .... the list goes on. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words , well if so then her numerous photos have given me the impression that she's real and nothing about her is contrived. What won my heart though is her generous smile that makes me want to smile along with her . Such a big change to the usual dour expressions that we see from the royals . I hope that time would be kind to her and that she would have her happy ever after .

Duchess of KAYmbridge: Santol Season is here !

Duchess of KAYmbridge: Santol Season is here !: "Every year , my family eagerly awaits the time when my in-law's huge Santol tree gifts us with the sweetest Santol that I have ever t..."

Duchess of KAYmbridge: Bedtime stories

Duchess of KAYmbridge: Bedtime stories: "Every night before sleeping , my son never fails to ask me for a story . It has to be a new story every night and it has to come from my ima..."

Duchess of KAYmbridge: Cakes Galore !

Duchess of KAYmbridge: Cakes Galore !: "Decorating cakes have turned out to be a creative outlet for me . It is a passion that I accidentaly stumbled into .I would watch my ..."

Santol Season is here !

Every year , my family eagerly awaits the time when my in-law's huge Santol tree gifts us with the sweetest Santol that I have ever tasted . It is no ordinary Santol as it is of the Bangkok Santol variety hence it is bigger , meatier and definitely sweeter than the usual Santol that can be found elsewhere in the Philippines.

Bedtime stories

Every night before sleeping , my son never fails to ask me for a story . It has to be a new story every night and it has to come from my imagination , nobody else's story would do . In his words, "mama only cuz she makes the best stories " . A new story every night is no mean feat , but I try my very best for my little boy to weave a story that would capture his imagination and at the same time would impart old fashioned values and good sense . This is my story for tonight .....

Once upon a time in Egypt , there live a young man who worked as an assistant to an archeologist . The young man's name is Noah . Noah worked for Professor Fletcher who was exploring the king's tombs in one of the pyramids in Egypt . Noah's job was to list all the treasures that the professor found during his explorations .One day , while working with the professor , Noah found a scarab . The scarab looked very old , plain and dusty . Noah decided to put it in his pocket and not to tell the professor since he thought it was something that was of no value . Later that night , when the professor was sleeping in his tent , Noah took the scarab from his pocket and looked at it . It was too dusty so he used a rag to polish it until most of the dust and grime was gone . The scarab looked ancient and beautiful . It had emerald eyes and wings made of gold . Noah was so happy , he thought he was going to  be rich ! He peered at it closely and to his surprise , he saw that an inscription was made on it's belly . He couldn't make out what was written so he crept quietly to the professor's tent and took his magnifying glass. Using the magnifying glass , Noah was able to make out the words " Whosoever takes me from my rightous owner shall lose everything and everyone he holds dear" . Noah became scared and decided to go back the next day to the pyramid and return the scarab where he found it . He couldn't sleep well that night and  was tormented by nightmares . The next morning , as soon as Noah and the professor entered the pyramid , Noah went straight to the place where he found the scarab and returned it . He whisphered an apology to the owner , whoever he might be and decided to stop working for Professor Fletcher since he realized that what the professor is doing is wrong as well . The professor is stealing treasures from other people . They might be dead but still it was not the professor's to claim . So he said his goodbye to the professor and left . When he reached Alexandria , he met a childless merchant who was looking for a young apprentice and Noah applied for the position . The merchant liked him ,trained him well and treated him as a son.After years of hard work and patience , Noah became a rich merchant as well and could afford to buy lots of treasures for himself. The End .               Good night !!

Cakes Galore !

Decorating cakes have turned out to be a creative outlet for me . It is a passion that I accidentaly stumbled into .I would watch my mom as a little girl decorate birthday cakes for our neighbors but somehow it never inspired me to go into the same business . Fastforward to today and here I am , doing exactly the same thing that my mom used to do . God indeed works in mysterious ways .