29 July 2011

Good Morning Sunshine

My garden doesn't fail to surprise me , I've never seen a butterfly like this before ! So chic with it's black and white polka dot pattern . :)

My blooming Vandas .

Like moi , the Bougainvillea's are sun lovers as well .

Don't let the size of these native Filipino chillies decieve you . They pack a mean punch . They are actually considered as one of the hottest variety of chillies in the world .

I love purple or violet colored flowers . They look so bright and happy against a predominantly green background .

So pretty and delicate .

Glad to see this Oregano bush which I planted last year,  thriving . I get a lot of my herbs for cooking from my garden .
 I opened my eyes this morning and was greeted by the gleam of sunshine streaming through my bedroom windows. AHHHH! I love mornings like these ! These mornings are meant to be spent outdoors . Not wanting to waste the sunshine , I hurriedly dressed and headed for my garden . Armed with my pink pruning shears , I tended my garden lovingly . A little cut here , a little snip there with a bit of weeding in between . I was delighted by the sight that greeted me . My orchid's are blooming , the Bougainvillea's look bright and happy and my herbs are thriving . I actually have a gardener who comes in twice a month to tend  my garden . For years , I have been a budding gardener ( or so , I try to convince myself ) but as my business got busier my beloved garden suffered from lack of attention . However , on this day nothing and no one can keep me away from my tiny patch of Earth . There's nothing like the feel of the bright morning sun  caressing my face and the glorious sight of nature to lift my spirits up ! Good morning everyone !

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