19 July 2011

Tribute to the Duchess of Cambridge

My favorite duchess with my favorite actress, Reese Witherspoon .
I guess it's quite obvious that I'm a fan of the Duchess of Cambridge . I find her to be a refreshing change from the Britney , Cristina and Miley's of the world . For me , she embodies qualities that young women around the world should aspire for. She's well educated , kind , graceful , elegant , down to earth  .... the list goes on. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words , well if so then her numerous photos have given me the impression that she's real and nothing about her is contrived. What won my heart though is her generous smile that makes me want to smile along with her . Such a big change to the usual dour expressions that we see from the royals . I hope that time would be kind to her and that she would have her happy ever after .

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