26 July 2011

My Battle with Dengue

A few years back , my husband got bitten by the dreaded Aegys Aegypti mosquito which transmits the Dengue virus .He was hospitalized for 2 weeks and it was agonizing to watch his platelet count fall continously. There was nothing the doctors could do except monitor his condition , hydrate him and then later gave him RBC and platelet transfusions . I was praying day and night that his platelet  count would go up . It was not easy for me to absorb the reality that my husband would fall prey to this virus as my husband is a big guy and he just seems to be invincible . However , fall prey he did ! It was like David fighting Goliath only I was praying that in this case , David would lose . To my relief , after 4 days of transfusions , his platelet slowly went up and he eventually got better . Sigh of relief here . After this terrifying experience , I became vigilant on protecting my family from the virus . I uprooted all the plants in my garden that had the potential to store water on their leaves and trunks . My Bromeliads which I had been collecting for years where transferred to the farm . I also made sure that all the water containers were covered and that my kids would use mosquito repellant ( deet free ofcourse ! ) whenever they play outdoors . We also installed several electronic mosquito zappers around the house . It's been three years and so far my family has been free of Dengue   . Nevertheless , since the wet season is upon us , I know that now more than ever I couldn't let my guard down .
I just discovered the Parakito mosquito repellant . This is better than the spray ones since I just strap it on my kid's ankles and that's it . No need to re-apply and no sticky feeling . The pellets lasts for 30 days which makes it more economical.
These are the mosquito repellants that I normally use . They are all Deet free , all natural plus I like the smell.

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