19 July 2011

Bedtime stories

Every night before sleeping , my son never fails to ask me for a story . It has to be a new story every night and it has to come from my imagination , nobody else's story would do . In his words, "mama only cuz she makes the best stories " . A new story every night is no mean feat , but I try my very best for my little boy to weave a story that would capture his imagination and at the same time would impart old fashioned values and good sense . This is my story for tonight .....

Once upon a time in Egypt , there live a young man who worked as an assistant to an archeologist . The young man's name is Noah . Noah worked for Professor Fletcher who was exploring the king's tombs in one of the pyramids in Egypt . Noah's job was to list all the treasures that the professor found during his explorations .One day , while working with the professor , Noah found a scarab . The scarab looked very old , plain and dusty . Noah decided to put it in his pocket and not to tell the professor since he thought it was something that was of no value . Later that night , when the professor was sleeping in his tent , Noah took the scarab from his pocket and looked at it . It was too dusty so he used a rag to polish it until most of the dust and grime was gone . The scarab looked ancient and beautiful . It had emerald eyes and wings made of gold . Noah was so happy , he thought he was going to  be rich ! He peered at it closely and to his surprise , he saw that an inscription was made on it's belly . He couldn't make out what was written so he crept quietly to the professor's tent and took his magnifying glass. Using the magnifying glass , Noah was able to make out the words " Whosoever takes me from my rightous owner shall lose everything and everyone he holds dear" . Noah became scared and decided to go back the next day to the pyramid and return the scarab where he found it . He couldn't sleep well that night and  was tormented by nightmares . The next morning , as soon as Noah and the professor entered the pyramid , Noah went straight to the place where he found the scarab and returned it . He whisphered an apology to the owner , whoever he might be and decided to stop working for Professor Fletcher since he realized that what the professor is doing is wrong as well . The professor is stealing treasures from other people . They might be dead but still it was not the professor's to claim . So he said his goodbye to the professor and left . When he reached Alexandria , he met a childless merchant who was looking for a young apprentice and Noah applied for the position . The merchant liked him ,trained him well and treated him as a son.After years of hard work and patience , Noah became a rich merchant as well and could afford to buy lots of treasures for himself. The End .               Good night !!

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