03 August 2011

Who Let The Doggie Out ?!

Meet Ali , our "puppy " .

Isn't he adorable ? :)

I was walking our dog yesterday when I figured in a minor accident . First , a little backstory . Ali is our German Shepherd who's 1 year and 6 mos. , still a puppy in dog years . Puppy ?  Yeah right ! There is nothing" puppy like" about him except for his attitude and temperament . He is a huge dog , he weighs around 50 kilos . Compare that to my weight then I would say that we would be even pound per pound . Now here's the glitch , while his body weight is probably oh I don't really know maybe 90 % pure muscle ( I'm guestimating ) mine is 100% flab . GRRRR. No one to blame but me , I know. So anyway , Ali has managed to intimidate his previous "walkers" which were mostly our driver and helpers . I would see  Ali walking them around the village and not the other way around . He ( the dog ) would be pulling the unlucky walker who's holding on the leash for dear life ! We hired a couple of trainers but long story short , it didn't really work out . A couple of sundays ago , I was watching the "dog whisperer " and had my big Oprah " Aha ! " moment . I was so inspired by Mr. Millan that I thought , " why don't I walk Ali ?" Somebody has to take control of this dog and it's gonna be small , petite , never -had- a - sport - in - her - life -  before me . Yep , I was gonna be the leader of Ali's Pack .The Alpha Male , whatever . Ha!ha!  Anyhow , I have been walking Ali for about two weeks . There were no major mishaps , I tapped into my inner alpha male and followed Mr. Millan's pointers . Yes , I even peppered our treks with the occassional TSSSST ! I was so proud of myself as  I BECAME the Alpha Male , I AM  the alpha male ! YEAH !  Piece of cake . Finally , this big hunk of muscle is under  MY control  !Oh , how I naive I was !!! So back to yesterday . Like I said , I was walking him feeling confident BUT NOT complacent . You can never be that with this big a dog, believe me . We were both enjoying the breeze when out of nowhere we were bombarded by angry barks by two small dogs . A Pekingese on our right and some sort of Terrier on the balcony on the left . You can guess what happened next . Ali went berserk and unleased the power of those muscles , down  the gravel I fell while he proceeded to DRAG ME TO HELL  !!! Uhmm sorry ,  I'm getting carried away here . Now where was I , oh yeah he dragged me  towards the pekingese since duh he can't reach the one in the balcony, right ? I found myself holding on for dear life , determined not to let go of his leash cuz Ali on the lose would be a disaster . Thank goodness I managed to stand up , controll him , move on and check if anyone saw this most embarassing  spectacle . Luckily , no major damage was done . I have some not so minor scratches, bruises and so on and oh ofcourse the HUGE GAPPING WOUND ON MY PRIDE !! Sniff , sniff .  I believe that the joint attack of those two pesky dogs just did it for Ali . We passed these  houses before and we would encounter these dogs but it was always one or the other  . Ali did get a bit excited at first but after a few days he got used to  them . Who knew those two would join forces and bring us down , well bring me down atleast . I have since forgiven Ali  for losing his cool . My husband decided to  enroll him in dog obedience school , this time for real since  we have thought of doing this  before but never  got around to  it . It's a different story for my son though . I heard him telling Ali that as punishment for "hurting " me there would be no belly scrubs from him and no whistling to Ali for 10 years ! Wow! How sweet . :) I had to explain to my son though that it wasn't really Ali's fault , in his mind he was just probably trying to protect me ..... OR WAS HE ? Hmmm . Cesar Millan aka, The Dog Whisperer .... HELP !

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