02 August 2011

My Deep Dark Secret

Lately , I've been consumed by a single thought . So , I decided why not write about it and let you all in on a little secret about myself . Dear friends , I am ( deep sigh ) .... a bag hag . There , I admitted it . That is my deepest darkest secret ! What ? What did you all expect ? :) Now , I like to think of myself as a practical sort of person EXCEPT when it come to bags . Clothes : I can resist , shoes : I like them cheap and cheerful but when it comes to bags , I literally drool . Over the years I have amassed a modest collection , nothing over the top and I draw the line at a Birkin . Afterall , I am a baghag with a conscience . I just refuse to buy a bag that costs as much as a low cost housing here in the Philippines . On second thought , If I win the Lotto or by supreme luck would happen to chance upon the said bag 70 % marked down .... I just might give in . I'm just human after all . Ha!ha!ha! Anyway , since my birthday is coming up next month I can't help but obsess about the Tod's D bag . I usually get a bag for my birthday ( I force my family members at gunpoint to get me one ! Ha!ha!ha! Joke ! ) and this is definitely my bag of choice for the moment .  I am in love with the softness of the leather and I have been a great admirer of classic bags . I like to collect bags that I could pass on my daughter and would still be in fashion 20 years from now. Practical , remember ? . So will I get this bag for my birthday ? I'm keeping my fingers and toes  crossed !

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