01 August 2011

Picnic Fun !

 I like to mix and match patterns for my table, it makes it more interesting .

Chloe was saving this sparkling cider for a special occassion . She declared that this day was definitely special !

The flowers were from our garden . In case you are wondering how come there's ketchup on our table , my son likes to put ketchup in almost everything he eats . I am hoping this is just  a phase and that he'll soon outgrow this.

Cath Kidston mugs . I just love Cath Kidston , I ordered some plates and bowls from her website . I can't wait for it to arrive !

Smoked fish pasta and chicken pesto sandwiches with sun dried tomatoes. Yummy !
My children had been begging for a picnic for quite sometime . As we were enjoying a fine weather last weekend , I decided to indulge their whimsy . Out came the picnic table and the usual picnic wares . My daughter Chloe and I made some pasta and chicken pesto sandwiches .....Voila ! Instant picnic for lunch . I lounged lazily on the picnic mat while my kids worked up an appetite flying their kite . After lunch , we swapped stories about insects and worms , two of my son's favorite topics . I was glad that I gave in to their wishes cuz I ended up having a most  wonderful time  . Sometimes we have to listen to our kids and just go with their suggestions , we usually end up having the best time . When it comes to having fun , I'm convinced that kids are the experts . That saturday afernoon was proof of that . We didn't have to do anything fancy which is unusual for me cuz when it comes to gatherings ,  I usually need atleast a half day lead time . I like to obsess about the menu ( which food goes with what , what wine goes with what food ) , arrange the table just like so and get consumed with the smallest details that I usually fail to really enjoy the moment . I am kinda OC in this way . This picnic was different however, I let my kids take the lead and I just went with the flow .    My kids enjoyed it so much , they want to have a picnic every weekend ! Well , why not ?

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