17 August 2011

Discovering Instagram

Isn't he adorable?

Taking a break from studying

The serious pose .
My son happily  told me this morning  that he got a perfect score on his Math exam . Wahoo ! All his hardwork paid off ! He feels so proud of himself , he  told his lolo, lola and friends about it ! :) I'm so happy for you Tomas !

A photo of moi in Instagram
 Studying is no fun !  This was how I felt growing up . I remember dreading to go to school every morning and  wishing to all the saints and stars that I would get sick so that I would have a reason NOT to go to school . The only time I was happy was during History and Science , my two favorite subjects . History because even at young age , I was already nosy . I was interested with the past , different people , culture and places . Science because I was naturally curious about the world around me . How about the other subjects ? I hated Math soooo much I barely passed every quarter from grade 3 to 2nd year college ( thank God I didn't have any more Math subjects after that ). I  enjoyed English only when I was in 3rd year high school thanks  to Jane Austen and to  my all time favorite teacher , Mrs. Baldovino who was the best teacher I ever had . To this day my love for English literature endures, thank you Ma'am ! Luckily , I discovered the world of crushes and puppy love in high school , going to school meant seeing my crush . That made me want to go to school every day and it also inspired me to do better in my studies cuz I thought that doing well might impress my crush . He,he,he. It was only in college when my outlook towards school and learning changed . Maybe it was because at this point I have outgrown some of my insecurities , or maybe because I thought that this was a new beginning for me and I was determined to be a better student , I'm not really sure . But things got a lot better for me then , I even ended up recieving a medal when I graduated , ehem .   Anyway , I promised myself that my kids would have a totally different experience from mine when it comes to schooling . I was certain that if they started school prepared and confident with  their skills , they wouldn't be plagued with insecurities like I was .  It was these insecurities that kept me from doing well , so I wanted my kids armed with the correct tools that would enable them to perform better than I did . It is this belief that inspires me to teach them and  help them with their school work  no matter how tired or busy I am . Hence the past few days , all my energies where focused on tutoring my son and helping him get ready for his exams .  However , no matter how serious we were with the reviews I made sure to inject some fun moments here and there and take a break from the tediousness of it all . One of our fun moments was goofing around with the Instagram which I recently discovered through Yvestown and Daphne Osena - Paez's blog .  Instagram is a great way to add texture and mood to your photo's  , I enjoyed experimenting so much I took LOTS of photo's just for the fun of it . Too bad it's only available for iphone :( . Here are some of my photo's worthy of sharing !

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