06 August 2011

Doctor's Orders... I Think.

Warm calamansi juice  to keep the flu away .
Since my misadventures with our beloved dog Ali , I have been feeling under the weather . Apart from my sore muscles (which makes feel like I have been in a boxing bout with Manny Pacquiao ) , I felt like I was going down with the flu . Now , this is the worst time for me to get sick . Not only do I have some pending cake orders but  my son's quarterly exams are coming up as well  which means that I have  to turn into one of my multiple " secret " identities .... the tutor mama . Mother's these days juggle a million and one things , we like to think that we can do it all and have it all . I am no exeption , however I am realistic enough to realize that I cannot do everything all at the same time . I have  my priorities and they are in this order , my family ( husband and children) , my business and career growth ( as if  ! ) , my social life ( really ?! )  and my blog ( ha!ha!ha! ) . Funny how the word "family " sounds so simple when in fact it is loaded with challenges that I happily try to overcome on a daily basis . From the very beginning , I made the choice of putting my family first before my career . I gave up my previous job and decided to commit 100 % to the role of wife and mother .This is a decision that I've never regretted and I consider myself to be extremely blessed to have the option of staying home to take care of my growing family . I have learned so much from the different roles that I play , just the word mother means that I have to be a  nurturer , friend , confidant , teacher , nurse , cook , protector , the list goes on . True , these roles takes so much from me but I wouldn't have it any other way . No amount of wealth or success would come close to the  pride and happiness that I feel everytime my husband or kids thank me for something as simple as a good meal . To quote Jackie O . " If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much " .   So , as I have to spend most of my time this week preparing reviewers for my son and tutoring him , I have to fortify my body and not allow it to succomb to illness . I loaded on vit.C  ( drank 2 liters of warm calamansi juice everyday for 2 days )  and got plenty of rest . No malling for 2 days !  Thankfully , when I woke up this morning I was feeling soooo much better . Tutor mama is on !

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