02 September 2011

Heavenly Samal Island

Samal Island is best known for it's pristine white sand beaches and the abundance of marine life . It is therefore a must stop for any tourist who wish to bask in the glory of the sun and the sea . I personally prefer hiring a pump boat and bringing my friends around Samal island , stopping from one beach to another rather than staying in just one resort . This way , my friends can explore different parts of the island and enjoy it's many treasures .
This is how a typical pump boat looks like . It is quite fast and it's equipped with a toilet , life vests, tables and benches and is manned by a captain and 2 deck crew . Renting a boat like this is the way to go if you want a fun filled , hassle free day at the beach .
Island Garden City of Samal is actually made up of 1 big island and several small islands . It is just a 7 - 10 mins. boat ride from Davao city to it's nearest port.
This small fishing boat is called a "bangka" . This is a common sight is Samal , you can buy fish from these fishermen and grill the fish on the boat . Fresh fish for lunch , anyone? :)
The boat is also equipped with a roof deck , a perfect spot for sunbathing , sight seeing or picture taking . My childhood friend Katy and I decided to forgo the sunbathing and settle for the picture taking instead ! Ha!ha!ha!
A nice shot of the corals at the coral garden . This is a nice spot for snorkeling since the area, wich stretches for several kilometers is abundant with colorful marine life . The corals look much more vibrant and alive underwater . Definitely one of mother nature's many wonders .
Grilled ribs for lunch , a favorite "day-at -the - beach " fare.
Enjoying the view and the breeze at Babu Santa , one of our several pitt-stops.
I love this shot , everyone is busy looking for "treasure " .
Coconut juice harvested on the spot ! There are coconut climbers waiting to do your bidding . If it's fresh coconut juice you want , these are your guys ! :)
Personalized service from a couple of coconut climbers , we call them "mananggete" in Visayan . They harvest the buko for you and they even deliver to your boat ! How's that for service de luxe ?
A refreshing drink on a hot day .
After drinking the juice , you can split the shell open and eat the meat .
The crystal clear water beckons , how can I resist ?

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